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This journal is a collection of irregularly short postings. Longer articles will be linked.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Air and Simple Gifts
A hybrid modern classical - jazz composition by John Williams, one of the pre-eminent American film composers.  Performed by four leading classical musicians, all resident in the U.S., but only one born there.  Based on a Shaker hymn that is already a central part of American classical music.  The best part of the day - even the dissonant portions were moving and un-ambiguously hopeful.
1:04 pm est

Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Article on Modern Music

Modern Can Be Musical

Given the building hysteria regarding the inauguration and all things political and economic around here, I decided to post something completely different.  It's a moderately long article on concerts attended in 2008.  These concerts featured mostly modern classical selections, and the article reviews them in the context of some contemporary comments in Britain and the US.  Because of the length, I've posted it in the articles section.
4:35 pm est

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